dynamical systems
data science
*denotes undergraduate coauthor.
J Weinburd, L Landsberg*, A Kravtsova*, S Lam*, T Sharma*, SJ Simpson, GA Sword, J Buhl. Anisotropic interaction and motion states of locusts in a hopper band. Preprint on bioRxiv (2023). DOI: 10.1101/2021.10.29.466390
AJ Bernoff, M Culshaw-Maurer, R Everett, ME Hohn, WC Strickland, J Weinburd. Agent-based and continuous models of hopper bands for the Australian plague locust: How resource consumption mediates pulse formation and geometry. PLOS Comp Biol (2020). (Preprint)
R Samuelson*, Z Singer*, J Weinburd, A Scheel. Advection and autocatalysis as organizing principles for banded vegetation patterns. J Nonlinear Science 29:255-285 (2019). (Preprint)
A Scheel, J Weinburd. Wavenumber selection via spatial parameter jump. Phil Trans Roy Soc A 375:20170191 (2018). (Preprint)
Non-technical articles
J Weinburd. My Relationship with My To Do List. Math Values MAA Blog (2022).
J Weinburd. Student Feature. The Dynamical Systems Web Magazine (2019).
J Weinburd. Patterns selected by spatial inhomogeneity. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy (2019).
J Weinburd. Thompson-like groups for quadratic rational Julia sets. Senior Project, Bard College Digital Commons (2013).